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    Green Supply Chain Management – A more Sustainable Supply Chain

    Since the last few decades, environmental issues have been increasing drastically and traveling faster than a forest fire, from a different country to region, then region to world-level territory, which is considered a serious cause of climate change and global warming.  Apart from that, scarcity of natural resources, wealth, and increasing air and water pollution

    Women’s Empowerment and Economic Development in India

    Women are making significant contributions to global economies through their various activities. However, they remain among the world’s most economically disadvantaged groups.  They are always disproportionately discriminated against in the labour market for their gender, contending with low-skilled and informal jobs. So they often remain outside the ambit of financial inclusion, which results in poor

    Supply Analysis – A Detailed Guide

    What is supply?  Supply of a commodity refers to the various quantities of the commodity that a seller is willing and able to sell at a different price in a given market, at a particular point, by remaining other things constant.  An aspect of supply management which needs attention is that supply is related to
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